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Have We Pressed the Reset Button?

I watched a film today 
‘What Happened to Monday’
It focused on how the human race will eventually over populate and be forced into two ultimatums
Or belated death 

I don’t know why
But it now has me thinking
Thinking of how many times has our world been reset and we just don’t know it
Thinking of how many civilizations of the human race have there been that have obliterated their own world and forced it to regrow anew
Thinking of how many years there may truly be in the universe’s history

No one knows the full history of the world because maybe there is more to it than we thought
Science believes that our world started with the dinosaurs,
But could this be true? 
Could there be an entire story before ours, billions of years before we believe it to be?
Could there have been a world like our own? 
A present world full of new inventions everyday
Of free minded people who follow their dreams 
A world so perfect and peaceful it only seemed to exist in movies

Or maybe it was a world created and wiped out by a god himself 
As the bible says there will be a day like this
Maybe it has happened before? 
Trapped in a timeline long forgotten
In a world where people ceased to believe in god 
Has a human kind forced the hand of the lord almighty to reset the planet and create a better version of us?

Or have we pressed the reset button before? 
Has someone, in another timeline, pressed the button for the human kind of their time? 
Not letting mother nature take over
Or a god of religion? 
Has someone taken the fate of the human race into their hands before? 

And will someone ever do it again?


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