I wanna cry today I'm not really sure why But all I want to do right now is cry Crawl up into a ball and cry until the world is ended I don’t know if it’s exhaustion or just plain old depression popping up for it’s daily visit But all I want to do is cry I'm tired of people And uncertainty And plans that will be canceled before they could even begin Nothing goes right Something always falls off the wagon or is displaced and im left to pick up the pieces of a shattered mess One week I only wanted one week and now I won’t be getting it I know I won’t be getting it Leo doesn’t want to deal with Ravi And they probably won’t have a house ready by the time we’re meant to go So once again I’m left in the dust The sand caked inside my lungs and burning within my body I don’t even know if I want to go anymore I don’t even know if I want to do anything anymore Everything I plan falls ...
This is a place for me to post my writings. If you stumble upon it, by all means you are welcome to read. I wanted to start this so I could have a place to post some of my writings and thoughts that go through my mind freely. Most posts are based around artists or songs I listen to; as music is such an important outlet for me. So, enjoy if your here :) -Bri